
The Thin Green Line Foundation

Thank you to everyone who came to our quiz yesterday and helped us raise money for The Thin Green Line.

The Thin Green Line Foundation provides vital support to Park Rangers and their communities who are the front-line of conservation. Every day, Park Rangers risk their lives to protect wildlife from poaching and other threats. Sadly, it’s estimated that over 1,000 park rangers have been killed in the line of duty over the past 10 years.

Currently, it is also estimated an elephant is murdered by poachers every 26 minutes. In our lifetime, we could live in a world with no elephants, rhinos, or gorillas.

Rangers save thousands of endangered animals every single day. It’s incredibly dangerous work and they do it with almost no training and equipment — half of them don’t even have boots!

We’re pleased to have raised £84 for this foundation, which will fund a ranger for 2 weeks. https://thingreenline.org.au/donate/